Out of Many/One People
Jordan Brown

“You from home?” the man asked
And I didn’t realize what he meant at first
Because I was at work and we were busy
But then the accent clicked
And then I noticed his hand was pointed towards the sticker on my laptop
Which reads “likkle but tallawah”
In a circle around a flag of green black and gold
Framed by doctor birds
And I told him I was born here but
Yes, my entire family is from home
He asked where and I said Clarendon
Specifically, from May Pen
He told me he is from St. Ann
And that his father taught at Mona
We talked about our strange, foreign family names
Which are not from our small island
He did not treat me like an American
Though I said I was born in Atlanta
But yes, I thought
Three hours later as I was frying plantain
Yes, I am from home.